Promotion and acceptance of expressing positive and negative feelings – present to, and supportive of, the expression of positive and negative feelings as a connection with deeper spirit of self and the one – being-cared-for.Development of a helping-trusting, human care relationship – Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship.Cultivation of sensitivity to self and others – Cultivating of one’s own spiritual practices deepening self awareness, going beyond “ego self.Instillation of faith-hope – Authentically present to/enabling/sustaining/honoring deep belief system and subjective world of self/other.Humanistic-altruistic system of value- practicing loving – kindness and equanimity for self and others.The carative factors are inclusive of 10 elements of factors, in 2001 Watson refined the carative factors to clinical caritas processes and below are the original factors and the revised 2001 caritas process (Watson, 2007): Not only does this concept promote faith and hope related to the “here and now” for the nurse, it is a fluid concept that embodies the soul and in essences continues to build many influencing caring moments. Each processes listed below enables a nurse to travel beyond the norm to pursue a “transpersonal” interaction delivering a human to human response, which is for the greater good of both patient and nurse. When human needs are met the patient and nurse creation a fundamental awareness of spiritual wholeness enveloping a positive and holistic entity. Focus on the holistic attitude of caring will reveal an inspired and centralized bonding thereby creating a stronger understanding of human the experience.

Caring transforms into an assessment tool that one can visualize, touch, hear, and verbalize, by interacting with the person in the direction of true human needs. Watson introduces a spiritual caring consciousness addressing the whole person. Her carative factors attempt to “honor the human dimensions of nursing’s work and the inner life world and subjective experiences of the people we serve” (Watson, 2007, p. A spiritual wellness will provide each with a sense of wholeness and genuine embracement of faith and healing relationship. Believing that care and love are essential to the patient’s healing environment as well as the nurses will certainly open a caring relationship for both patient and nurse. I use the term carative to contrast with conventional medicine’s curative factors” (Watson, 1997b). Concepts of Watson Theory: Carative Factors I developed the “carative factors” in 1979 and revised them in 19b,” I viewed the “carative factors” as a guide for the core of nursing. Nursing goals should direct and exhibit a benevolent act leading to a caring moment derived from self and delivered to other permitting a spiritual presence for both. Teaching and learning are in a caring manner, promoting a readiness to learn, thus reinforcing the human dimension of nursing. Her transpersonal teaching-learning undertakes the idea of encompassing more than teaching to invoke a compassionate and caring relationship between the patient and the nurse.

Watson’s caring theory reflects on human values and revolves around caring and healing. This philosophy promotes the human dimension of the nurse and the person in the realm of one’s spirituality. Her theory continues to focus on human caring and the subjective life experiences of self and other. Watson has refined her caring theory throughout the years however, her basic concepts have remained unchanged. Caring and healing bridges to form a complete relationship while developing and recognizing the transpersonal aspect of the relationship (Watson, 2007). Her six Caritas process uses creativity and a scientific problem-solving method for caring decision making, and preserving the “human caring model. Watson’s theory is the development of a caring fluid experience expanding from the person to the community onward to society. Watson’s caring theory evolves in a global state no longer limited to facility settings. Watson calls caring the ethical principle or standard by which curing interventions are measured (Alligood, 2006). Watson’s Ethical Principle of Curing Interventions