We’d like to emphasize that the gameplay, game system, and storyline are still fully intact.” We’ll have a preview and – ultimately – a full review for Monster Monpiece as we get closer to the game’s nebulous Spring, 2014 release date. This decision was made solely due to the intense sexual nature of Monster Girl card images. Idea Factory wrote that it “would like to inform fans and prospective users of Monster Monpiece that have made the decision to cut several Monster Girl images from the North American and European versions of Monster Monpiece. Monster Monpiece is a PlayStation Vita-exclusive, and will launch in North. While Idea Factory International did opt to keep this system intact for its western release, it did remove certain Monster Girl cards. Today, IGN can confirm that Monster Monpiece the card-battling JRPG that came out in Japan last year - is coming west. This requires players to rub the girls on the Vita’s screen to help level-up cards. It is worth noting that Monster Monpiece does have some sexualized content, mostly in the form of the “rubbing” system seen in the trailer. Monster Monpiece has a few flaws in its design and an underwhelming story mode which caused me to slip into five individual comas during the ludicrously long endgame sequence, but it also provides some thoroughly excellent card battles, especially when taken online against others with a similarly-balanced skillset and deck. And you can go to the in-game academy to shop for more cards (and other goods), play over the PlayStation Network with or against your friends, and more. Card battles themselves play out with 3D chibi-style characters, adding a different dynamic to the game once you’ve settled on your deck and enter a fight. There’s a story – with plenty of cutscenes – and a world map to explore. PlayStation Vita - Monster Monpiece - The 1 source for video game sprites on the internet. Thankfully, Monster Monpiece isn’t only a straight-forward card-battling game. Utilizing these types in tandem with each other is, naturally, a major key to victory. Enjoy some awkward Vita rubbing and card battlingVisit for everything Playstation Vita, whether. Your cards are the embodiment of “Monster Girls” that you meet throughout your journey, and come in four core types: Melee, Ranged, Healers, and Buffers. Monster Monpiece for the PlayStation Vita. Alright since there seems to be a staggering lack of information floating around I wanna get something going where we can keep. Can power up the Monster Cards by rubbing the PlayStations Vitas screen. These battles take place on a grid that’s seven slots wide and three slots high, with both you and your opponent being carved out a 3x3 part of the grid to place cards. Monster Monpiece features a card-based battle system where. At the core of Monster Monpiece is a card-battling system.

Idea Factory International is the publisher responsible for porting and localizing the game for western consumption.
Monster Monpiece is developed by Compile Heart – the Japanese studio responsible for the Hyperdimension Neptunia series and the Record of Agarest War games – and initially came to Japan in January of 2013.